О фотографе. Andrei Bortnikau photographer in Tbilisi, Georgia

A photographer has a special role. He is the keeper of the events and moments. Because of him, the most rapid and lightning-fast actions can be considered to the smallest details, while the dynamics and plot will not change their meaning. He is able to rewind time back and return to the past with just a single snapshot, which will open a cupboard of pleasant memories with an inconspicuous key. A photographer helps to see the beauty around us. And he always reminds us our ability to dream and fantasize

My name is Andrei Bortnikau. And I am a photographer.

Interview on Onliner (2017, rus): Ремесло. Минский фотограф о заработке, путешествиях, стоках и обработке

Interview on Picfair (2017): Interview with Andrei Bortnikau

My photos use:

О фотографе. Andrei Bortnikau photographer in Tbilisi, Georgia

Andrei Bortnikau Photography

Tbilisi, Georgia

phone: +375 29 211−14−72 (Viber, WhatsApp)

e-mail: photo@bortnikau.com

telegram: @bortnikau

instagram: @bortnikau

vk: @bortnikau

facebook: @bortnikau

Follow me on Instagram
